KAMBO IN SAPO STYLE SAPO TREATMENT 11 Photos Brooklyn, New York Naturopathic Holistic Phone Number

With eyes closed slowly and gently exhale the breath, blowing the Rapéh through the hollow V-shaped elbow into the nasal canal. When blown delicately, users report a pleasurable relaxing sensation with a mild and short-lived peppery burning. Next, scoop half of the Rapéh into the nose end of the pipe and gently tap it with a finger to settle the powder into the Kuripe’s V-shaped elbow. I’d never had a meaningful relationship with my Grandparents because of age gaps and health issues. Then I eventually accepted I wouldn’t have a deep and meaningful relationship with the figures because… they were gone. So I embraced this unfillable hole in my heart with as much love and grace as I could muster, genuinely accepting this void would never be filled. The Kambo Healing Kulture facebook group has over 10,000 members including practitioners, suppliers and Kambo enthusiasts.

And under the guidance of rapé and Ayahuasca, I knew whatever this work was, I wanted in. Beyond my own transformation, I witnessed people forgive & fall in love with themselves, find their purpose, connect to their passion, and smile so big it filled a maloca. If a facilitator has questionable energy or shaky intentions, wait to work with the medicine until whoever sits across from you is someone you deeply trust. It’s easy to pick up energy and attachments that aren’t yours from an unreliable facilitator that can negatively impact the receiver’s experience. This is not a relationship to be built recreationally, although as more Western people are exposed to rapeh, they naively misuse the rapé medicine in inappropriate settings with rushed intentions.

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Since everything in the universe operates at a certain vibrational frequency, so do the cells in our body and the central nervous system. Thus, the resonating vibrations from the instruments interact with the cells within the body as well as the brainwave frequency to promote healing and maintain a balance of energy.

Why Abalone Shells Are Used In Spiritual Practices and Smudging

Read more about Crystal healing here.

As Rapéh is a tobacco-based product it is also advised to use small amounts to begin with, as larger amounts or ‘flood doses’ can trigger unpleasant feelings of nausea that can last for up to an hour. There are also more rarely found Double-Nosed Kuripe, which has not one, but two exit pipes, snugly fitting each of the user’s nostrils. There are even “2-in-1” pipes with dual Kuripe or Tepi functionality, allowing the user to either self-administer Rapéh themselves or apply to another person without needing to carry two separate application tools. And then I found myself laying on the floor after being served rapeh for the first time, looking up at the center of the maloca, and watching-feeling this unfillable void fill itself. I heard and felt the Spirit of my Grandparents blessing me with their love, guidance, presence, and protection. They had told me they’d always been there, even if I hadn’t known it. The entry points will heal and fade with time but depending on your skin color and type you may always have small visible scars.

Do not operate heavy machinery, move furniture or engage in physically stressful situations within 24 hours of session. These journeys may involve encounters with dark energies that may show themselves as dangerous beasts like monsters, reptiles or dragons.

Two days after treatment, ontop of the Dragon’s Blood, Calendula or Coconut oil can be used to aid healing process and limit scaring. Please stay away from chemical laden “healing” products such as Neosporin. We also offer virtual Kambo preparation and integration sessions to those that have or will experience medicine elsewhere and are looking for additional support and guidance. Like many Jungle ‘medicines’ and experiences, Kambo is extremely ‘intelligent’ and responds well to those who care for themselves. If you are cleared to work with Kambo Care, Kambo preparation, Kambo diet and Kambo after-care is mandatory to get the most out of the experience.

However, taking smaller doses to integrate your experience is recommended. The music in ceremony is created using a variety of wisks, brooms, and one of the oldest instruments in recording human history; the Mougongo. According to Uwe Maas of Süster Strubelt, the polyrhythms in the Bwiti music helps to regulate one’s sense of time and heartbeat, assisting with psychedelic visions. Tolerance to mescaline builds up almost immediately and takes roughly seven days of abstinence to return to baseline. There is also a cross-tolerance effect with LSD and other psychedelics. This means they will have diminished effects for up to seven days after your consumption of mescaline, and vice versa.

From a shamanic point of view, soul loss is not necessarily a bad thing either. Your soul “knows” if you are capable of handling a traumatic experience or stressful situation. The wounded part of your soul leaves your body so that you won’t feel the ego-annihilating fullness of the pain. Soul fragmentation protects the person undergoing some trauma or loss, shielding them from the bulk of the pain, and helping the individual get through the traumatic event.

Once the secretion is applied to the gates, the immediate effects are quick and intense but short-lived, usually about minutes. The benefits of Kambo stem from the bioactive peptides and neuropeptides found in the Kambo secretion.

Many factors contribute to the mescaline experience, including dose, mindset, setting, and method of consumption. With that in mind, each individual journey will be unique to the person, time, and place, and there’s no way to predict exactly what will happen. But, mescaline does induce some common experiences and effects that can help you prepare for your journey. Kambo and Bufo are two powerful medicines that have been used in ceremonial contexts for centuries. Both substances have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential for healing and transformational experiences. While they are often grouped together as “frog medicines,” Kambo and Bufo are distinct substances with unique effects and purposes. Book your next sound healing session with Johnny Sage for a life-changing experience while bathing in the sound waves.